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Assessment Day Workout


The Assessment Day workout will measure your “Before” fitness level in terms of the number of squats, push-ups, and sit-ups that can be performed in 1 minute and how long other exercises can be executed with proper form. This is not just for kickboxing!  Assess your fitness level today and then check back in 6-8 weeks from now to see your progress.  If you are a KickHouse member, check-in with your coach for more information.

Participate in the kickboxing workout via video or follow along with the workout overview below:

Assessment Day Workout on Facebook.

Assessment Day Workout Warm-Up:
Warm Up
5 Min:
5 minutes to complete as many rounds as possible:
2 Inch Worm Push Ups
4 Squats
6 Lateral Lunges
8 Sit Ups
10 Jumping Jacks

Assessment Workout:
You have 1 minute per each of the exercises below.  How many repetitions can you do in 1 minute?

1 Min: Max Squats

Stand with the feet hip-width apart or slightly wider; if needed, point the toes out slightly. Set the hips back and slowly lower into the squat position. Ensure that the knees are in line with the toes and that the heels remain flat on the ground.

1 Min: Max Push Up
Knees or toes for entire time

1 Min: Max Sit Up
Bent knees, feet firmly planted, arms across chest, and be sure bring yourself all the way up with elbows over the knees for every single rep to count.

Endurance Assessment: (Kickboxing bag, Painters Tape and a timer needed)
For Max Time: Speed Jab Cross
Nonstop with no break in rhythm with the target clearly marked in painter’s tape for accuracy.

For Max Time: non stop Front Kicks to Solar Plexus
Nonstop with no break in rhythm with the target clearly marked in painter’s tape for accuracy

For Max time: Elbow Plank
Balance on toes and forearms with zero sag in spine. As soon as you’re spine starts to sag, your time is up!


About KickHouse:

KickHouse is a modern kickboxing studio offering a variety of class formats, each rooted in kickboxing but with additional fitness flare added in. The KickHouse mission is to help members and communities take their health and kick it up a level via a consistent kickboxing practice! The new kickboxing brand has quickly grown to over 35 locations across the country and is looking to grow to 100 kickboxing studios within the next six months. If you’re interested in becoming a fitness franchise owner and opening your own KickHouse studio, visit

Let's Kick it!

KickHouse is the most supportive family in fitness.

We will sweat. We will laugh. We will help each other reach the next level. No matter what life throws at us. we will get through it. Because as individuals we are strong. But together, we are unstoppable. Welcome to KickHouse.